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Livnot U'Lehibanot

To Build & Be Built

Help Rebuild Israel's Border Communities

Make a difference in restoring Israel's affected Border Communities while connecting to your Jewish Roots

Israel Retreats

Day Volunteering

Help Rebuild The South and North through hands-on volunteer work alongside professional construction workers. 

Beit Hakahal &
Tunnel Tour

Find Yourself In Tzfat? Come explore our Beit Hakahal 16th century National Heritage site and Tunnels exploring Tzfat's four great Kabbalists.

Help Rebuild Israel

Join us in helping displaced families return home to Gaza Border and Northern communities through our one or two-week weekly volunteer programs. Bear witness to the Nova Festival and villages affected by October 7th. Hear heroic stories from soldiers and interact with local residents. See the impact of the Second Lebanon and current war on the Northern border. Work with contractors to renovate dammaged private residences, schools & community centers.

Support Livnot

Livnot U’Lehibanot, a non-profit educational institution, encourages friends and foundations to educate others about our mission. Your partnership and support is the catalyst to our creating meaningful Israel experiences for young Jewish adults who have had little or no Jewish education. Your partnership also creates the motivation and commitment volunteers need to make a difference in communities in Israel. We thank you in advance for your kind and generous support.


Fusion of hiking, community service, and hands-on learning, creating an integrated Israel experience


National Heritage Site, bringing to life an authentic 16th Century community center


Livnot Alumni network, building continuity into the Israel experience


Center for spiritual workshops and activities, opening a portal to awareness and reflection


Wide range of materials on nature & Judaism, Shabbat, holidays and Jewish values

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